Live YOUR Wildly, Beautiful Life
Life Coaching & Women's Experiences
that Unleash Fulfillment, Joy, Freedom and Creativity
Ways to Work Together
Live into your wildly beautiful life one enjoyable step at a time.
Choose an experience below that meets you right where you are today (which is the perfect place to start).
Leave with confidence, courage and commitment as you live your life in ways that fulfill you deeply.
112-week online experience with a small community of women to help you know what you want, how to move towards it, and what gets in the way of living your freest, fullest, most fulfilling life. Reclaim joy & creativity in your life right now & allow yourself to dream, moving towards what you love deeply.
3Imagine a guide walking alongside you in life & your creative process. Move thru obstacles, confusion, challenge & overwhelm, unlearning old patterns that get in the way of loving life & the creative process. Alone this is so much harder. With a supportive coaching relationship, it's a joy.
Let's Connect
Want to explore working together? I'd love to hear from you.
Be You. Live Different.
What if what you love deeply and who you are is more than enough?
Hi, I'm Molly
I've spent most of my life as an educator, professor, and leader helping others realize their full potential.
But at some point, I realized I wasn't thriving in life.
I felt unfulfilled in my work and life. Everywhere I went, I tried to make a difference but inside I just felt different. I'd tried almost everything to feel better: looking for new jobs, doing therapy, yoga and meditation, reading TONS of self-help books, doing endless online surveys to figure out who I really was, innovating and endlessly working to change what needed to be improved in higher education. Still, I couldn't consistently feel free or satisfied. Instead, I felt stuck with what I disliked. I had a sense something more was possible for my life. But I didn't know what that was or how to get there. At the same time, my life looked pretty amazing on the outside. It just didn't feel that way inside. There insecurity and dissatisfaction lurked. So, I pushed harder, trying to get others to value my work by doing more.
Still, I knew there must be a way to feel better.
But I didn't know how. So, I enrolled in a life coaching program for women and began connecting with what I wanted for my life. I'd always felt more comfortable trying to make a difference for others and continuously improving what wasn't working than allowing myself to dream. After gaining a sense of what I wanted, I could begin living my life--a life I loved from the inside instead of pouring my effort into being what the world needed me to be. I began choosing new, fulfilling ways to live and learned to stop repeating old, dissatisfying patterns. Now, my life feels very different. Joyful. Creative. Spacious. I can move through challenging emotions and life's bumps without overwhelm. Life no longer lives me. I live life.
Now, I support others in living lives they love--wildly beautiful lives.
As a life coach, I work with women who’ve spent a lot of their life trying--trying to make a difference or be the right thing for others. I know what it’s like to try to feel fulfilled, but to leave classes feeling stupid for struggling to make any real change. Often, I knew what I should do to feel better but I could never do it consistently. It just didn't work for me. This is why my work as a life coach is rooted in understanding neurodivergence, high sensitivity and creativity and honoring the assets of these ways of being in the world. It's also why my work is trauma informed and works with the body to create transformation that sticks (and inspires!).
Kimberly Absher- Social Impact Marketing/Comm
I’ve been feeling for awhile that it’s time for me to STEP UP into a greater, more aligned way of being. However, when I attempted to accomplish the goals I had in mind—like creating space for creative expression and making a career change—I felt anxious and stuck. As a person who prides herself on getting things done, this was terribly frustrating. Molly and this experience taught me how to connect with my true self, the one beyond the roles I play, and find power, connection, and comfort within. I learned to value and listen to myself more, protect my energy and tap into self-compassion. My days have more intentionality. I care less about disappointing others and more about disappointing myself. Working with Molly has made me better equipped to make a real difference in the world.
Diane McMillan - Early Stage Entrepreneur
Women can be skating by and existing and not realizing it. Nothing's bad but nothing's really good either. We don't realize what we're missing. This experience teaches you how to learn for yourself, tap into what you already have, and get the most from yourself in a way that feels good. Before this experience, I had trouble setting boundaries at work. I didn't know if I'd ever get to the point where I could set limits. This class gave me what I needed to move forward, to get out of the cycle I was in, set limits, and make new choices. I know what's important now. I've gained tricks to help myself when I'm feeling down. I'm more calm. I'm more productive now because I don't get overwhelmed and put things off. I start small and I've gained the confidence to take on projects that excite me.
Let's Connect
Want to explore working together? I'd love to hear from you.
My Background & Experience
Molly Ware, PhD
I live in beautiful Bellingham, WA. It's my home and I love it here. I spend as much time hiking, mountain biking, and exploring the natural world as possible. Most of the time my chocolate lab Remi, my best friend and mentor, joins me on these adventures. Otherwise, I spend my time gardening for hours on end, working on my memoir, which I'm hoping to finish this year, and creating a getaway with my sweetie Mike on our land on Lopez Island.
I'm also a tenured professor at Western Washington University and a former middle school teacher. In my 20+ years as an educator trying to make a difference that changed schools for the better, I created a lot of new and innovative programs, served as a university-wide leader, and coached and consulted with executives, teams, and students. My favorite part of my work these days is as a coach, helping women blow their minds about what's possible for their lives and how good life can feel and be. I've participated in a variety of coaching programs with Nicholas Janni, Coaches Rising, the Strozzi Institute, and trauma-sensitive mindfulness communities and am always learning ways to better support lasting and inspiring transformation.
"I'm beginning to understand how valuable it is to stop the critical train of thought in favor of quieting down and listening for the whispers of my heart and gut. Molly gave me some really useful exercises to access my inner strength and wisdom. I gained so much clarity around how to get closer to what I really want to be doing."
--Live Your Wildly Beautiful Life Participant
"Molly has a remarkable ability to listen. She's empathetic, compassionate, curious, supportive and empowering. She just has that thing, that knowing, that counselors, coaches, educators should all have."
--Live Your Wildly Beautiful Life Participant
"Molly focused on honoring it all--which is amazing. She is wise and helped me rediscover that I do know what I need. You have a tremendous gift and the world deserves to benefit from it."
--1-1 Coaching Client
"After our conversation, everything shifted for me. I saw results I hadn't experienced after weeks of working with someone else. The headway I made in just 1 session with you shifted everything for me. I feel like I wiggled free from all of my angst that was keeping me stuck choosing what I didn't like. What a relief!"
--1-1 Coaching Client
"Molly’s gentle touch, sharp insight, depth of wisdom, and capacity for sincere attention and connection make all of her courses richly rewarding experiences. On both personal and group levels, Molly makes her participants feel seen, understood, and genuinely supported. I highly recommend registering for any course with Molly and some one-on-one coaching. Her gifts are unique and rare."
--Live Your Wildly Beautiful Life Participant